Tatjana Markovic
  • IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies”, chair
  • Public lecture series Southeast European Studies: Music, Theatre and Culture
  • (Co)Organisation of international conferences

IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies”, chair



Diaspora, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the 8th International Conference of the Regional Association ++ Balkans Musical Cultures and Diasporas in the Balkans, International Musicological Society and the Hellenic Musicological Society, Thessaloniki, 31 August–2 September 2023 https://rasmb-ims2023.gr/media/attachments/2023/09/15/ims-rasmb-2023-program.pdf


’Universal’ versus ‘national’: Southeast European music histories and scholar colonialism, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International Conference The global musicology – Global music history, online, 25 – 28 January 2022 https://globalmusicology.org/gmgm2022/


The Berlin Years: Nikos Skalkottas and his surroundings from 1921 till 1933, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International Conference of the International Musicological Society and the Hellenic Musicological Society Skalkottas today, Friends of Music Society, Music Library of Greece, Athens, 29 Nov–1 Dec 2019


Musical life during World War I, Writings on music from World War I as testimonials on musical cultures’ transformation, War trauma expressed music, writings and film, three-partite session of the Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Friends of Music Society, Music Library of Greece, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The birth of contemporary Europe: World War I, music and arts, Music Library of Greece, Athens, 9–11 November 2018

(Post)Globalsation and (Post-)Communist transition: Soviet, Yugoslav and national perspectives in music historiography, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International Conference of the The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation Musicology in the Age of (Post)Globalization: Barry S. Brook Centennial Conference, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York City, 3–6 April 2018


East Asia and Europe: From Cultural Exchange to Translation as Culture, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the 20th Congress of the International Musicological Society Musicology: Theory and Practice, East and West, Tokyo University of the Arts and the Musicological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 19–23 March 2017


Exile and Emigration in Music Culture, International conference of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” in the framework of the music festival “Szenenwechsel” (org. with Antonio Baldassarre) in cooperation with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Music, Lucerne, Switzerland, 26–27 January 2016


Music of Yugoslav Breakup: Politics of Media in the 1990s, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International conference War of Media — Media of War. The Importance of Music and Media for Propaganda in Times of Changes, co-organized by the Institute for Analysis, Theory, and History of Music, University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and the IMS Study Group “Music and Media”, Vienna, Austria, 25–28 November 2015

Lands and Landmarks, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International conference Lines between: Culture and Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean, European University Cyprus and Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Nicosia, Cyprus, 3–6 June 2015 https://www.euc.ac.cy/images/media/assetfile/Lines%20Between%20Conference%20Schedule.pdf


Music in/on War: On the Occasion of the First World War Centenary, International conference of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” (org. with Alexandros Charkiolakis), Sismanoglio Megaro (Greek Cultural Center), Istanbul,Turkey, 20 September 2014


Microhistories and Micro-geographies of Cultural Memories in Music, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the International musicological conference Sociocultural Crossings and Borders: Musical Microhistories, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, 4–7 September 2013 http://old.mic.lt/lt/stream/file/7075


Celebrating anniversaries: Musical life between political practice and cultural policy, session of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies” at the 19th Congress of the International Musicological Society Music, Cultures, Identities, 2 July 2012, Rome, Italy


Private music culture, International conference of the IMS Study Group “Music and Cultural Studies”, the Lake Palić, Subotica, Serbia, 4–8 October 2007

Public lecture series Southeast European Studies: Music, Theatre, Culture

Südosteuropastudien: Theater und Musik /Southeast European Studies: Theatre and Music, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria, 2012–2015, organisation and moderation


Southeast European Studies: Music, Theatre, Culture – Herstory in southeast Europe II, international and interdisciplinary meeting, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria, 12 May 2016

Tatjana Marković, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Herstory and southeast European studies: Main coordinates
Suzana Milevska, Skopje; The lack and its “supplement”: The intersection of nation and gender in public space through the magnifying glass of a feminist
Jana Dolečki, Universität Wien: Exit stage left: On presence and absence of women in wartime theatre (Croatia, 1991–1995)
Melisa Slipac, Universität Wien: Female nomadic subject in the novel Hacked Kiti (Hakirana Kiti, 2013) by Andrea Pisac (b. 1975)
Marko Kölbl, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Grieving femininities: Croatian laments between subversion and confirmation of gender


Southeast European Studies: Music, Theatre, Culture – Herstory in southeast Europe I, international and interdisciplinary meeting, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria, 2 December 2015

Tatjana Marković, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Herstory and southeast European studies, Introduction
Ana Mitić, Don Juan Archiv Wien: Female identities in translation: August von Kotzebue’s (1761–1819) "Die Spanier in Peru oder Rollas Tod" in the Balkan context
Nela Kovačević, Belgrade: Female characters in the works of the Sephardic dramatist Laura Papo Bohoreta
Andrea Grill, Universität Wien: Kinder der Diktatur: Poesie von Frauen in Albanien nach 1990
Leon Stefanija, University of Ljubljana: Female composers in Slovenia after 1991: What is feminine in their work?


Südosteuropastudien: Musik und Theater /Southeast European Studies: Music and Theatre, international and interdisciplinary series of six lectures, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria

Tatjana Marković, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Herstory and southeast European studies, Introduction
Gordana Ilić Marković, Universität Wien: Die Bretter, die das Leben bedeuteten: Theater der serbischen Soldaten und Kriegsgefangenen im Ersten Weltkrieg, 15 October 2014
Gerda Lechleitner, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien: „Südslawische Volksmusik“ in den historischen Sammlungen des Phonogrammarchivs, 12 November 2014
Klaudija Sabo, Universität Wien: Rambo, Rock und Victory: Von der (audio-)visuellen Heldeninszenierung der kroatischen Soldaten im jüngsten Krieg (1991–1995), 10 December 2014
Carola Heinrich, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien: Die Rückkehr des Politischen: Theater aus Rumänien und der Republik Moldau heute, 4 March 2015
Federica Broilo, University of Mardin: Lost in Venice, Found in Paris: Gabriele Cavazza’s Sixteenth-Century Travel Account on the Egnatian Way, 15 April 2015
Krisztina Lajosi, University of Amsterdam: Embodying the Nation in Nineteenth-Century Romanian Opera, 13 May 2015


Südosteuropastudien: Musik und Theater /Southeast European Studies: Music and Theatre, international and interdisciplinary series of six lectures, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria

Walter Puchner, Universität Athen: Kulturgeographische Aspekte der Literaturen Südosteuropas (15.-19. Jahrhundert), 9 October 2013
Christian Glanz, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Zur Rezeption der Ränder Kakaniens in der Wiener Operette, 6 November 2013
Theodor Emil Ulieriu-Rostás, University of Bucharest, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris: Satyr-musicians and the politics of burlesque in Attic iconography, 4 December 2013
Naila Ceribašić, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb: Affect, right and resource: The production of heritage music in contemporary Croatia, 19 March 2014
Beat Föllmi, Université de Strasbourg: Von Mioriţa zu Ödipus: Die rumänische Nationaloper des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, 9 April 2014
Ardian Ahmedaja, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien: Lokale Musikpraxis als Spiegelbild von Gesellschaft und Staat. Frauen- und Männerlieder bei Albanern in Nordwestmazedonien, 7 May 2014


Südosteuropastudien: Theater und Musik /Southeast European Studies: Theatre and Music, international and interdisciplinary series of five lectures, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Austria

Karl Kaser, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz: Visuelle Kulturen im südöstlichen Europa, 27 September 2012
Maximilian Hartmuth, Universität Wien: Die kunsthistorische Entdeckung des Balkans durch die Wiener Wissenschaft nach 1850, 29 November 2012
Alexandros Charkiolakis, Technical University Istanbul, MIAM: The notion of the enemy in the Greek operatic world of the 19th and 20th centuries, 24 January 2013
Jelena Todorović (University Belgrade, University Novi Sad: The Past Revisited: The Baroque allegorical theatre of the Serbian Orthodox Archbishops of Sremski Karlovci in the 18th century, 11 April 2013
Ana Hofman, Slovenian Academy of Sciences: Politics of popular music in post-Yugoslav cultural spaces, 23 May 2013

(Co)Organisation of international conferences


Jugoslovenska ideja o/u muzici / Yugoslav idea in/on music, international conference, (Programme Committee), Serbian Musicologial Society, Belgrade and Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 25–26 May 2019, Novi Sad


Voice in theoretical networks: The sonic dimension of gender in opera, pop and traditional music, Panel discussion in the framework of the International Summer Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, “Motion — Emotion — Movement", with Miško Šuvaković (Faculty of Media and Communication, University Singidunum), Ana Petrov (Faculty of Media and Communication, University Singidunum), Marko Kölbl (MDW), Semmering, 13 August 2017 https://www.mdw.ac.at/upload/MDWeb/isa/downloads/WebsiteProgrammneu.pdf

Musical culture/s of the Habsburg Monarchy and its successors states. Cultural, social and historical approaches (with Fritz Trümpi), Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Interpretationsforschung, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, 22–24 February 2017


Music Theatre – quo vadis?; Panel discussion in the framework of the International Summer Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, "Drama - Ritual - Cultic Acts", with Andreas Holzer (MDW), Tomas Desi (Neue Art OPer Wien), Mirela Ivičević (Composer, Vienna), Markus Kupferblum (MDW), Reichenau, 16 August 2016

"Das Serail" (c. 1779) by Joseph Friebert in historical, socio-political and cultural context(s), International Interdisciplinary Symposium, Don Juan Archiv Wien, Global Seminar Salzburg, Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg, 19-25 May 2016


Repackaging Heroes: Constructing Anniversaries in Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Music And Art Historiography, Panel discussion in the framework of the International Summer Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, "Jubilee! Music and Cultural Memory", with Ydravko Blažeković (City University New York), Leon Stefanija (Universit of Ljubljana), Reichenau, 19 August 2015


The Culture of Tito's Yugoslavia 1945–1980, International interdisciplinary conference, Don Juan Archiv Wien in cooperation with the Institute of Art History and Musicology, Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, Vienna, 18–20 October 2013


Kulturelles Gedächtnis und Kunst in und über Südosteuropa / Cultural memory and arts in/on Southeast Europe (with Zsuzsa Barbarics-Hermanik), International and interdisciplinary conference of the Institute of Musicology and the Institute of History, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 24–25 May 2012


Between Nostalgia, Utopia, and Realities, 10th International Biennial Conference of the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 April 2010

Serbian ‘heritage’ as value, structure, and product (with Maximilian Hartmuth), International conference, University College London, 6 February 2010


(Auto)Biography as a Musicological Discourse, 9th International Biennial Conference of the Department of Musicology and the Departmend of Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 20–23 April 2008


Musik und nationale Identität/Music and national identity, International Conference, University Marc-Bloch, Strasbourg, France (mit Beat Föllmi et al.), 18–19 October 2007


Musical Culture and Memory, 8th International Biennial Conference of the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 12–14 April 2006


Josip Slavenski i njegovo doba/Josip Slavenski and his time, International Conference on the 50th anniversary of Josip Slavenski’s death, Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia in cooperation with the Institute of Musicology, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Legat Josip Slavenski (mit M. Živković, M. Milin, A. Kotevska et al.), 8–11 November 2005


Music & Networking, 7th International Biennual Conference of the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 April 2004


Music & Media, 6th International Biennial Conference of the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 November 2002