Tatjana Markovic


Prof. Dr. Tatjana Marković studied musicology at the University of Arts in Belgrade, where she also received her MA and PhD degrees in Musicology. Further education at the University of Helsinki, Semiotical Studies, 2000. In 2021 she was awarded the title venia docendi (musicology) with the habilitation Envoicing the nation: Emerging national opera traditions in Southeastern Europe at the University of Music and Performing Arts (MDW) in Vienna. She was working as music editor of the Radio Yugoslavia, Belgrade (1988–1990). Teaching at the Department of Musicology, University of Arts in Belgrade from 1988 until 2015 (1988 Student Assistant; 1992 Assistant; 1995 Docent; Associate Professor); at the Music college Stanković in Belgrade (1993–1994); the Music Academy in Cetinje, Montenegro (2004–2005); Department of Musicology, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Serbia (2004–2005); the Department of Music, University of Kragujevac, Serbia (2005–2006); the Department of Musicology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (guest professor 2008–2009); the Institute of Musicology, University Graz (Elise-Richter-professor 2010–2012), and at the Department of Musicology and Performance Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (since 2013). Guest lectures at the Department of Musicology, Texas State University San Marcos (2008, chosen as the best lecture of the annual guest lecture series); at the Department of History, New York University (2011) and others. Marković has been a chair and participant of numerous projects (see Projects).
Chair of the IMS Study Group Music and Cultural Studies (from 2007). (Co)Editor of the TheMA – Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts (Vienna), Glasbeno-pedagoški zbornik (Ljubljana), Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti (Novi Sad). Member of the Editorial Boards of the MGG for former Yugoslavia and the Balkans, and of the book series “Studies in History and Sociology of Music” of the Academic Studies Press (Brighton, MA; London). Collaborating with the Grove Online, the Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters, and the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. RILM National committee of Yugoslavia, later Serbia (from 1988). Member of the International Society of Music Signification, Helsinki (from 2000), IMS (the International Musicological Society, from 2000), the Udruženje kompozitora i muzičkih pisaca Srbije (the Association of Composers and Musicologsits of Serbia, from 2003), the Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo (the Croatian Musicological Society, from 2008), ICOM (the International Council of Museums, Austria, from 2009), ÖGMW (the Austrian Musicological Society, from 2010), ICTM (the International Council for Traditional Music, from 2012). Has presented papers at the numerous international and interdisciplinary conferences in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA.
Research: Opera studies (19th-, 20th-, 21st-century Southeast European/Balkan opera; 18th-century German and Russian opera); SEE/CE musicology and music historiography; choral music movements; music in Yugoslavia (1918–1991), USSR (20th century); nationalism, migrations and exile, orientalism and exoticism, gender studies, memory studies. Languages: Serban/Croatian/Bosnian, English, Russian, German; reading knowledge of Slovenian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Czech, Slovakian, Ukrainian, Italian.